Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Druze Tribute

Top: They ain't got a country, but they got a flag...and Bottom: Yousef, who always gives me the pillow and the warm blanket.

I will soon be moving into the Turkish Stronghold (meaning two of them vs. one of me) on French Hill and so I must at least offer this humble tribute to the Druze who have housed and fed me as one of their own for over two weeks. Yousef, Faraj, and Jimmy...thanks...you've all been as much a pain in my ass as I'm sure I've been in yours. Here's to you and yours, boys...

Top: A Druze of a different color...one o' the baby cousins and Bottom: the infamous Faraj

Top: Yousef and his baby cousin, Anan...is it wrong that I think he's totally hot? and Bottom: Jimmy and I


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