Monday, December 12, 2005

e-nu-ma e-lish la na-bu-u sha-ma-mu....

A few weeks ago, shortly after discovering my bacon cheeseburger haven, a disgruntled Arab employee burned down the place, leaving us with a multitude of kosher burger joints to satisfy our beef cravings. I only point out that he was Arab, because a rumor was floating around that it must have been a religious Jew. Ha...I've heard stories of orthodox men sneaking money into the hands of customers and quietly requesting of them to buy a cheeseburger for 'em. To go. In a little brown bag. Sneaky, sneaky. The sign put up on the window of the charred joint now reads:
Or something like that. In Hebrew.
Christmas is on it's way to Israel, but you wouldn't know it from the weather. You can, however, get a feel for it from the Christians who are pouring in from around the world to celebrate a Jewish guy's birthday (no offense, but it's the wrong date) in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and other such holy cities. I've been invited to a multi-cultural Christmas party myself. Think I'll bring a Druze. Honestly, this time of year is making me miss all of my Christmas-celebrating friends back home, and of course, my darling, Korean Ji Hee. But most of all, Channukah is around the corner so I'm home-sick for the fam....
All right. Enough of this depressing crap. I've got Akkadian to attend to. Ancient Babylonian creation myths to read and whatnot. "When heaven above was not named, nor earth below pronounced by name, Apsu, the first one, their begetter, and maker, Tiamat, who bore them all, had mixed their waters together..." Eh. You know the rest.
Peace out n' stuff.


Blogger IGetBy said...

That is sad. I will go out and eat a bacon cheeseburger in honor of that brave shop and in your name, Tali. Mmmmm, so tasty. It might just be me, but I find it best to choose to visit countries based on their food and food diversity. Hummous, pita, shawarma? Sure, they're tasty enough. But when you want a bacon cheeseburger, you shouldn't have to fly over to the next continent to get it.

7:58 AM  

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