Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wise King Solomon

I've been both busy with my studies and lazy with the blog thing...yet again. I apologize. Nothing new here except that we're now without washing machine, T.V., coffee table and kitchen chairs. The owner took his stuff, but it's cool...a lot less time wasted on the boob tube. Rather, we are finding other clever ways to waste time and avoid studying. Until now, anyway, as finals are fast approaching. After that, my friend, whom y'all know, Mandi, is coming from Denver to visit for a week. We're going to run around Israel and see all the cool stuff you're supposed to see when you come to Israel. Oh, and my Croatian friend, Sandra, just had a birthday and her darling Israeli boyfriend surprised her with a baby dwarf bunny. She named him Solomon. I told her to house train him, which can be done but takes a bit of time with rabbits. The last progress report I got was that he's no longer the shy, sweet fur-ball he was the first night he arrived, rather, he's taken over the place, shakes his cage violently when Sandra puts him in, and shits in every possible corner of the apartment when she's not looking. But, it's a baby bunny so, you gotta love him. Ok. I'm out. :)


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