Friday, June 23, 2006

Evil Inclinations

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything, but the recent events in my life seem to call for a piece on EVIL. Golly, it's just everywhere, ain't it? For example, in my recent research for a class presentation, I've hit upon a large number of hate web sites. What did I expect? After all, I'm researching medieval Christian depictions of Jews as demons, or in league with Satan. Apparently, the last few hundred years have done nothing to educate people on such preposterous, primitive claims, including 'blood libel' and 'host desecration.' (Blood libel, by the way, is an accusation that Jews kidnap Christian children, circumcise them to make them kosher, and torture them, consuming their drained blood as wine or after they bake it into matzah--GROSS! Are you kidding me??) Anyway, groups like the new Nazi socialists and Christian Identity use this nonsense as propaganda today, among other bogus claims, AND PEOPLE ARE BUYING IT. By the way, I'd like to give a shout out to the Romans for canonizing a version of the life of Christ in which they palm off responsibility for the crucifixion to the Jews, leaving a governing Roman tyrant (Pontius Pilate) sin-free. Of course, within revised versions of the Nicene Creed, the fact that he was crucified under Pilate is stated, but Matthew 27 clearly blames the Jews and why? How the hell could the Roman Empire adopt Christianity if it would forever be tainted with deicide? Oy. People are assholes.
Ok, speaking of assholes, this bleeding heart joined forces with a local law student, named Tamar, to save a family of stray cats from poisoning at an apartment complex nearby. In our effort to relocate a mother and three kittens from the wrath of annoyed neighbors ("We can't sleep at night, they're too loud"...No, the incessant, echoing chirping of birds doesn't bother them), we lost one kitten as the mother found her way back home--one kitten followed, one we found huddled, crying under a car where we'd relocated them. Anyway, we found a place where the mother was sterilized and all three would receive care and medical treatment until being transferred to an adoption kennel. We tried to tell the residents that in a few weeks, the kittens would be old enough to leave this "nesting" area, and even if they continued to live in and around the apartment complex, as so many cats do, the mother-cub meowing calls would end once they were independent of her. Whatever. People are assholes.
And so am I! Check this out: I live with two roommates who are, shall we say, challenged when it comes to basic cleanliness. Ants, fruit flies and other bugs live happily in our home amidst the crumbs and spilt liquids on counters and floors. Our bathroom always looks and smells like piss and shit. Yesterday, I finally flipped. Among all the other crap I woke up to in the kitchen, was the small ice tray I had bought, yet again sitting empty on the counter. I hung it on a nail on the wall, and next to it, a note that read: If you use the ice, please refill and return to the freezer. Later that evening, I found that the note had been thrown away, and the tray still hung on the wall. So...I refilled it myself and returned it to the fridge, but not before adding a couple drops of Tabasco sauce to each piece :D This morning, to my evil, vengeful delight, several pieces were missing. Found out later that one of my roomies, sleepy and thirsty as hell, chugged down an ice-cold glass of tabasco water and suffered a burning throat all night...Ha ha!! Ok, not SOO evil, but...(insert evil laugh)...this is only the beginning...

Evil Asshole...